Teachers can’t make that much difference can they?

Teachers can’t make that much difference can they?

​I remember about 5 years ago I went through a period of not wanting to teach at alI questioned whether or not I was actually making an impact on anyone’s life. 🧐​​Was I actually helping anyone in a big way?​​This happens to teachers all the time and only recently I...

Most precious commodity (time)

If I had a £ for every time I heard someone say “I don’t have time” I’d be a millionaire!(Wouldn’t that be awesome!)​​Seriously – I am not sure if it’s the “in thing” to be “busy” and not have time?​​When last did you hear someone say “I’ve got lots of time”?? It’s...
Pilates Teachers – What’s your secret sauce?

Pilates Teachers – What’s your secret sauce?

When I teach my private mentoring clients about the “ideal client” it’s a new concept to them. Basically, an “ideal client” is the person they love to work with the most…. ​🙌🕺​​But There’s also the reason WHY people will love to come to you ❣️​​People will come...
Is now the right time for Your Pilates Course

Is now the right time for Your Pilates Course

As an owner of a successful studio and teacher training centre I love this topic!!! What does a pilates or yoga teacher REALLY look like???​​​​​​I feel that image is so overrated AND also very shallow and skin deep❣️​​​​Some of the best pilates teachers I know do not...