Teaching Classes after Qualification
If a teacher has done their qualification but doesn’t feel confident in their ability, of course it’s going to be hard for them to go out and start their own classes!
When I did my Pilates Teacher Training I was only given the chance to teach for 2 very short sections and that was it! That was my experience before going out into the real world and teaching real people! AND I was 💩 myself!
Now years later and I run my own studio and certify teachers, of course I’ve built up my confidence, but it would have made a huge difference in my business if I would have had that opportunity and the experience sooner!
I absolutely love teaching classes and I’ve built a successful business out of it, but there’s so much on my teacher training course I wish I’d received and that’s why we have designed our Pilates & Yoga Teacher training courses the way we have!
So that you can gain as much knowledge, skill and experience as possible so you’re ready to fly once you leave us!
➡️ We go deeper into anatomy so that you know how to help your clients better and how to modify exercises to serve them better and more safely!
➡️ We get some of our studio clients in for you to teach so that you have the opportunity of looking at real bodies with real issues and you’ll see how exercises can be adapted for different people
➡️ We teach you more exercises than what’s required by YMCA, so that you have access to more “do-able” modifications, which means you’ll be able to help everyone in your class to feel included, valued and safe!
➡️ You’ll learn about the most common medical conditions that will show up in your class and how to deal with them, even though this isn’t part of the curriculum. Sadly having a class where everyone is “fit and able” is very rare. Most people have some kind of condition whether it’s sciatica or a hip replacement! We cover all the ones that we come across on a regular basis.

As studio owners, we feel this is extremely important so that you can keep people safe and coming back for more!! Not all bodies are the same and you’ll learn how to teach the individual within your class!
Once you’re finished your teacher training you’ll be invited to a private FB group where you can ask questions. You aren’t just left out in the cold after your course – we are here to continue to support you when you get stuck!
These are just a few of the ways that we help to build your confidence, so that by the time you receive your certificate you’re feeling confident, excited and ready to begin your own classes!
Our mission isn’t to help you “just pass”, our mission is to help you to become the best possible teacher you can be!
If you are ready to join our family and to become an amazing Pilates or Yoga Teacher, then get in touch and we’ll have a chat about our upcoming courses, any questions you might have and the next steps!
Looking forward to having you join us soon!
Lots of love
Tanja Foy xx
Pilates Training Provider
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