Elements & Process of Becoming an Instructor (Pilates | Yoga)
TRANSCRIPT | Best Yoga & Pilates Teacher Training UK | Elements & Process of Becoming an Instructor.
Instructor Tanja Foy (Profit with Pilates – Grow Your Pilates Business) explains just what is involved in becoming an Instructor.
“Hi everyone it’s Tanja from elite pilates and yoga teacher training, and i thought i would do a quick session for you today, just to go through the elements of the courses that we run.
As i’m sure you’re aware we run the level three pilates practitioner course (YMCA Qualification) and we run the level three yoga practitioner course.
So I’m first going to talk about the pilates one um and i may do a separate video we’ll do it all in one. So both of them require you to take a 30-minute multiple-choice applied anatomy exam. When you register this is what i always try to say to people – register as soon as you can so you can start studying for your exam and you’ll get some mock papers with us. We’ve actually created extra resources.
There are over nine hours of anatomy videos and they are more specific for pilates and yoga because in terms of the applied anatomy it’s a very generic qualification. There’s four personal trainers fitness instructors all sorts so it’s a very generic qualification so we’ve actually gone in and made all those other anatomy videos and really made it relative to pilates and yoga!
That’s not something you are going to get on other course providers or you might get on other courses i don’t know but it’s not standard for YMCA. This is what we’ve done for our clients so there’s that exam and there’s no limit on how many times you can take it and it’s online.
We did online some schools may still do the option of doing it as a written one but that’s got to get posted and marked it takes too long and if you like me, you want to know now whether you passed or not so um you do your exam online at the studio and then i give you your results straight away!
You can reset it whenever you want to. So let’s see it then it takes half an hour i’ve had people do it five times and i’ve had people i’ve even had someone that had failed the first time we got 100 the second time so it really just depends on the questions because not everyone gets the same questions.
it’s like a pool of questions that they just throw out in in a paper when you log on so that’s your exam and it doesn’t cost anything by the way to reset your exam so really really i know it’s nerve-wracking i have to do exams as well and um it’s yeah try not to stress too much you’ll get through one way or the other.
Best Yoga & Pilates Teacher Training UK
Once you’ve done your exam now this is for the pilates one so actually with both of them there are a few worksheets that you need to complete online and these worksheets are again very generic, more about health and safety and it’s the same with pilates and yoga.
Okay so if you were looking to do both your qualifications you would only need to do this once the section of it you’d only need to do this once now what i will say is that YMCA are still running their old qualification which is the level three pilates teacher and level three yoga teacher. So just be mindful that if you are looking to do all of your basic qualifications is try and make sure that you’re going to either do both the practitioners or both the old one because there’s elements that are different and you will need to reset the exam in all sorts of games so try and do both of the same. There’s still lots of schools running the old qualification they’ve actually got to do two exams, two theory exams rather than just the one that the new qualification has.
It’s the practitioner one that you want which is the most up-to-date qualification that is currently being offered by YMCA and us. Once you’ve done those worksheets those are done online i don’t mark them they get marked automatically so like i said those ones are the same in both the courses they’ve got nothing to do with pilates and yoga they’re generic.
Now when you come to the studio for pilates you will need a guinea pig to work with so a case study. and ideally, I would say try and find someone that has some kind of issues but you don’t I’ve had um students come in and they want to work with someone that’s got pins in their hips and pins in their ankle and it’s like don’t over complicate it for yourself!
But if someone’s got a dodgy shoulder or something it is quite nice to work with someone that has got some issues that you can genuinely help them with. So we will teach you how to do a postural assessment on someone and actually for those of you that are on your yoga course there are videos of this in the anatomy modules and actually go through this because this is something i feel that is lacking in the yoga course and this isn’t why i’m saying this is across all yoga courses is they don’t really go into depth in the anatomy as much as the pilates course does.
So for the yogi’s out there check out this posture assessment because it will help you with lesson planning and stuff so once you’ve done a lesson plan um you’ve done your postural assessment you will then create an overview of 12 weeks of what you would be teaching this person. But don’t panic because this is everything i’m going to be teaching on the course i’m just giving you an overview.
And then you also need to do a lesson plan for your group teaching class but what we do is we actually take one of your private clients – your case studies and we use that so save on all that paperwork. And then there’s also a couple of worksheets uh written work sheets. One is the same as the yoga one and then there’s another one which is the fundamentals of pilates and then one is the fundamentals of yoga. so that isn’t all in terms of the pilates one.
And yoga doesn’t have a case study that only has a group teaching one. But the yoga does have a lot more self-study research in terms of the worksheets. There’s quite a lot to do in the worksheets so although the actual course is probably easier with the lesson planning and stuff um there’s a lot of self-study and pre-study that you have to do.
So again the more the quicker the sooner you can register – even if you only want to do your course in one year’s time you’ve got um while covered is on they’ve looked they’ve given people three years, but generally, you have two years to complete your course. So a lot of this stuff can be done before you even get to the studio.
And then the first day you give me your paperwork and assign practically half of the course off already once you’ve done your exam. Don’t think that you can’t register until closer to the course and you’ll get all your books and stuff and you can start to look through that.
Pilates & Yoga Group Assessment
And then finally pilates and yoga, you have your group teaching assessment so um but again i will be checking all of your paperwork every time you come to the studio i’ll be checking, making sure that you hit the criteria.
Making sure that you’ve got everything that you need in your lesson plan.
You have access to me throughout the course um so it’s not a case of well you can’t speak to me while you’re training or you can only message me on fridays you email me your paperwork i can look through it i can mark it um and then if you need to make tweaks i can guide you in that area and stuff.
So basically that is the elements of the pilates and the yoga teacher training so the yoga teacher training is a lot more pre-study research work to do, but not as much on the course to do in terms of the lesson planning.
And then for the pilates course there’s not as much pre-study because yoga is such a huge subject and even once you’ve done this course and you’ve done 10 other yoga teacher training courses you will probably still not know everything that is to know about yoga um you know you can spend like i know my yoga teachers been teaching 15 years 20 years still learning especially the philosophy and the mythology and all of that so it’s a massive subject!
I think that should answer all of your questions um in terms of that. So again when you’re looking at schools especially if you’re interested in both your qualifications um you know get in touch with us because we do offer a discount when people sign up to both courses um when you register for both.
But if you are interested in both just be aware that you want to try and get the same either the level 3 teacher or the level 3 practitioner otherwise you’re going to have to redo your exams and some of the paperwork.
So i hope that answers your questions and i’ll see you soon”
Tanja Foy xx
Please can you send me your upcoming course dates and prices for Pilates teacher training
Hi its Tanja, here is the link to our Pilates Teacher Training https://www.elitepilatesteachertraini… you will also find links to my Yoga Teacher Training here in the South west of England UK