How Petra went from “no way can I do this” to “YES I can do this!”

Petra joined us for Pilates Teacher Training and I wanted to share her story with you, as I know that many of you have similar feelings and doubts, as Petra!

This is what Petra had to say about her experience:

​”When I started this course I really wasn’t sure I’d be able to teach Pilates at all. There was so much to learn and remember and then having to stand up in front of everyone and actually teach was very daunting.

Even as I was going to my third weekend of the course I still didn’t feel confident that I would be able to.

But that third weekend was a game-changer for me. Lots of different exercises like ‘defend your position’ where we had to confidently explain why we did something a certain way or cueing an exercise and my fellow course mates did it all ‘wrong’ so I had to correct them. These were so useful and when Tanja asked me on the last day to describe how I felt with one word I said CONFIDENT 😊

Both Tanja and Paul are excellent teachers and they make you feel so good about becoming a teacher yourself and I would recommend their teaching course to anyone who wants to become a GOOD Pilates teacher”

It’s one of the parts of the course that I ABSOLUTE LOVE ❣️❣️❣️

Watching our new teachers on their first weekend and they’re nervous (as you would expect) and they develop their skills over the following weekends …..

and then on the last weekend BOOM….

You can literally see everything slot into place and that’s when our learners BECOME TEACHERS!

And this is what my goal is for all of our teachers!

If you feel confident you will:

💠 ​ ​ Have fun

💠 ​ ​ Actually follow through and teach their own classes

💠 ​ ​ Help massive amounts of people as they know how to feel present with them

We’ve spent years designing our courses so you can get the most experience, knowledge and confidence as you can, within the time that we have you and it works, just like it worked for Petra and all the other teachers that have completed their training with us 🙂

If you are passionate about Pilates Or Yoga and you can bring that passion to the course, then we do the rest!

Lots of love,



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