OMG THERE’S NO WAY I CAN STAND UP IN FRONT OF PEOPLE AND TEACH PILATES!If this is how you feel right now….I’ll let you in on a secret……😈When I first did my teacher training, I didn’t actually have any intention of teaching classes. ABSOLUTELY NO WAY!I...
Bad teacher VS good teacher What makes YOU a bad teacher VS a great teacher❓In my opinion anyone can become a teacher. Apart from the nerves of standing up in front of people, teaching isn’t “hard”, but it still doesn’t mean you’ll be any good at it! 🧐Think of...
We’ve all been there.Maybe you’ve got a video you want to post on Youtube or Facebook – or you’ve written some content, BUT when it comes to hitting that POST button you freak out and go and vacuum! (it has to be done right!) 🧹OR perhaps you were...
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