Are You a Procrastinator?
Are you a cat or a dog?
If you’re waiting until 2023 to do your Pilates Teacher Training I’ve got news for you!!
Here let me explain…
My first mentor described people in two categories.
Dog People & Cat People
Dog people were people that chased after the ball (goal).
Cat people preferred to take their time and contemplate things first.
Have you identified yourself yet?
I’m a dog person and Paul is a cat person.
There is no right or wrong by the way….and sometimes one can be more beneficial than the other.
HOWEVER, when I’m speaking to people about becoming a Pilates or Yoga teacher, I will admit I do see this more with cat people….
“I’ll wait until I’m ready”
You’re going to wait until:
You’re fit enough
Flexible enough
Thin enough
Experienced enough
Enough time
Enough money
And whatever else you want to add to this list….
Can I let you in on a little secret, and this is said with love.
You’re never going to feel “ready” – GASP I know!
There will always be something that will make you want to wait and the reason has absolutely nothing to do with being fit enough or flexible enough or any of the above.
It all boils down to …
Deep down inside you believe this……
“I am not good enough”
And I do really say this with love because I’ve taught over 4000 classes and seen this with clients, seen this with teachers in the past and with my coaching clients, AND because I’ve seen it in myself too!
I also KNOW that right now if you are considering your teacher training
Let me say that again.
I really don’t believe The Universe, God, Mother Nature or what you call it, would put ideas into our heads if we weren’t ready for it,
Don’t take my word for this.
Just take a moment.
Sit and Close your mind and take a few breaths just to settle.
And I invite you to feel how YOU FEEL about Pilates and FEEL that Passion in your body and that PASSION is telling you to go for it!
Of course, it can be scary to follow our passion because we really care and we really want to be able to do it well,
but know that right now the CHOICE IS YOURS.
And I really do understand how it feels to doubt yourself.
I go on courses too, in fact, I’m currently on a 500hr yoga teacher training course and when I started, I was soooooo nervous and worried that I’d be the “worst” on the course.
It is completely normal to feel this way!
BUT I don’t let it stop me. I normally have to have words with myself and remember that everyone feels the same as each other and also to STOP JUDGING MYSELF!
We are all different human beings and we all have strengths in different areas – can you imagine what it would be like if everyone taught the same, moved the same and were like clones of each other? It would be BORING!
Each and every one of you will bring something different and unique to the table.
On our Level 3 Pilates Practitioner course we encourage you to use your training as one big experiment where you can experiment with different styles of teaching and cueing so that you can really find what works for YOU and you can do that in a supportive and playful environment.
If you know this is what you really want to do you don’t need to let the fear or self-doubt stop you and you can be fully supported by someone who knows exactly what it’s like to have that passion and that self-doubt!
If this resonates with you heart in the comments ☺
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