What makes YOU a bad teacher VS a great teacher❓
In my opinion anyone can become a teacher. Apart from the nerves of standing up in front of people, teaching isn’t “hard”, but it still doesn’t mean you’ll be any good at it! 🧐
Think of all the classes you’ve attended before and can you remember classes that weren’t great or classes that were awesome.
Can you pinpoint what made that difference for you?
Did you…
👉 Feel Seen❓ Was the teacher paying attention to what YOU were doing ❓
👉 Feel Safe❓ Were the exercises appropriate for you and you weren’t being pushed to do something your body physically couldn’t do❓
👉 Feel at ease enough to ask a question if you wanted to ❓
More often than not this is what I hear from clients who might have tried classes on holiday or I hear from new clients.
If you teach like the teacher above, I would say with my hand on my heart, that is NOT a good teacher.
Having the knowledge in your head and being able to cater for and adapt exercises so that each person is safe, yet still being challenged takes skill and education.
This is what we are exceptionally good at in our own studio.
This isn’t a hidden talent …
This is something that YOU can do too….
With the right training …..
It’s your choice whether you want to be “just” a teacher or a GREAT teacher!
Which one do YOU want to be ❓❓❓
Just food for thought 😉
Lots of love
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