Once you qualify, do you want a successful business or a hobby ❓

If you’ve answered hobby then you don’t need to worry about reading the rest of this.

However, if you’re considering becoming a teacher and leaving your current job or perhaps your children are now in school and you have some time to start doing something for yourself then a BUSINESS is what you’re after.

The two are very different.

Once I started treating my business like a business, my clients also started treating me like a business.

The mindset is very different to when you’re running classes for the fun of it and you’re not relying on the income. ​ Neither are right or wrong – it’s just the intention behind it is very different.

Think of all your untiliies and house hold bills or perhaps a gym membership. ​ THEY ALL CHARGE monthly.

So why not you? ​

When you offer pay as you go that is not what serious business owners do.

Yes maybe your local leisure centre offers drop in rates, however they’re a big organisation with disposable income behind them. ​ ​

You on the other hand are a small business and you’re providing the capital so if your business doesn’t make the income, you’ll be running at a loss and it will be YOUR loss.

Here are the advantages of offering monthly packages:

👉 You get paid every month
👉 you can PAY YOURSELF every month
👉 You can see what is coming in every month and project your income so now you know how long it will take to reach your financial goals
👉 You know how much to invest back into the business to reach those goals
👉 you will attract COMMITTED clients who want to come regularly, and therefore THEY will get better results
👉 less admin time running after clients trying to get paid
👉 you will know how mny people are coming (I’ve turned up for classes inteh past and no one came so I still had to pay for the hall and that means it was coming out of my pocket)
👉 You won’t lose out when someone doesn’t show up or cancels late – you’ll still get paid

I’m sure if I can think of many more but I think you get the point.

Making this change to my business was one of the best decisions and it make the biggest impact in terms of a regular income.

Becoming a teacher is such an amazing “job” and it’s even better when you make a good living from doing something you absolutely love!

What more could you ask for ❣️

Lots of love,

Cresta Social Messenger